Tired of relying on social media to build your business?

seo for wedding photographers and more

That's because it was never meant to be your entire marketing strategy - you should have a strong foundation in place, too.

I know, search engine optimization isn't the fun, sexy option.

SEO isn't the new shiny strategy on TikTok. It's foundational marketing - and that's why it may be exactly what you're missing.

We've been lied to, really. We are told that all of our clients are on social media and while yes, that may be true, so is every other small business just like yours (hello, competition.)

It's more rare that a small business puts time or money behind their SEO strategy,  and that could mean big things for your small business if you do.

so, how does it work?

Showing up when potential clients are looking for you is really, really important.

Maybe they're looking for venues you love to work with, vendors that compliment your services, or to find your offers in the same towns you travel to.  Having content on your website for all of those things means that you show up where you're most wanted - in their search results.

This takes some research (keyword research, actually) to find the exact phrases people are searching for and how many people are competing for those keywords in your niche - and how can we use those the right way on your website.

You're about to be found.

how to show up In google searches

google my business

Set up your Google My Business in a few easy steps on google.com/business

seo blogging

Take the SEO Blogging 101 Course to start ranking on Google.

what about results?

Let's talk about your return on investment with SEO.

Spending money on what will seem like 'unseen' marketing efforts may feel strange - trust me, I know.  The truth is, none of your potential clients will even know that you've invested in SEO (and they don't need to.)

SEO is a long game strategy, but can bring in hella good ROI.  Your chances of getting seen in the sea of competing entrepreneurs goes way up and so does your ability to book your dream clients without showing up everyday.  The return on SEO is a slow start, but ramps up every single month, forever.

seo blogging 101 with showit

for photographers, coaches, creatives, & local businesses

the seo blogging 101 course

With Caitlin of Creative SEO Coach

Caitlin is my trusted SEO specialist and has completely changed my business with her knowledge and expertise.  She recently launched a 101 course for Showit users that'll teach you what you need to know to start blogging effectively!  This blogging course is what I suggest to all of my clients after launch their sites on Showit .

Courtney Prejean

Websites have always been a thing for me.

during over a decade long photography career, my websites were pivotal in growing a 6f business as a mom of three little ones..

I didn't want to spend all my time on social media, so I leaned into creating websites that actually worked for me - giving my potential clients everything they needed to make the decision to schedule a session.

After retiring from full time photography, I knew helping other entrepreneurs do the same was such a natural next step and it has been an honor to work with so many talented photographers, coaches, realtors, home builders, and downright ambitious business owners.

mother of three - photographer - web designer - Marketing mentor